- Unique ID: Tyler Hazmat
- Product Type: Guitars
- Make: James Tyler USA
- Model: Studio Elite HD
- Year: 2004
- Price: SOLD
- Color/Finish: Hazat Shmear (Matte finish)
- Availability: SOLD
- Condition: Excellent

James Tyler USA (don’t you hate when guys just say James Tyler then like 1232 paragraphs down you learn it’s a Japanese el cheapo version…). From the early days of 2004 when James found cool pickups everywhere and used them. This one features Suhr LP single coils from the factory….the USA factory…yeah…and a Laundau Secret from the factory….so let me be clear….it is STOCK…LOL…but we know you will still have to email and ask ‘ahhhhhhhh…ahhhhhh. I know you said stock but can you call james at 6pm on Sunday and ask him if he remembers this guitar and if the pickups are stock”. Well the customer is always right…until they aren’t…so we refuse….LOL.
See all the Specs & detailed condition in the 3rd picture where we provide MORE information than the factory and unlike our competition we actually provide detailed information on condition….but alas you will ask “what brand of battery is in the compartment for the midcoast”…or “can you take a measurement of the battery” or “can you photograph the battery”. Can you tell we have had a complete assclown week around here. Don’t add to it…or we will use you in our next promo.