- Unique ID: Kelton Swade S 10192014
- Product Type: Guitars
- Make: Kelton Swade
- Model: Strat
- Year: 2013
- Price: SOLD
- Color/Finish: 2-Tone Sunburst
- Availability: SOLD
- Condition: Excellent "+"

Just 7lbs-2oz of Kelton Strat-ness! These are very hard to find because most of what Kelton makes are Teles. No fret wear and just simulated wear/aging on this. I call it EXC+ to avoid someone getting out their electron microscope and determining one of the dings is non-Kelton-made! This one SOUNDS like an OLD guitar…how?…not sure…but has that slightly aged but metallic thing going on that defines vintage Strats.