- Unique ID: echopark lp spec 06182016
- Product Type: Guitars
- Make: Echopark
- Model: '59 Deluxe
- Year: 2015
- Price: SOLD
- Color/Finish: Cherry
- Availability: SOLD
- Condition: Excellent

Echopark Guitars are a wonderful addition to the boutique guitar world. I love the care and craftsmanship that goes into each piece. Also, I love the fact that each one is different. When you see one that appeals to you then you need to grab it because it won’t resurface (new or used).
This one grabbed me because it has Ron Ellis P90 pickups with the Single Coil Hum Cancel System ($400 upgrade for the silent system…the pickups are unobtanium). Tonally there is a reason Ron Ellis is backordered over a year. Woods…this choice mahogany is beautifully grained. The Grover Open Tuners are another upgrade. This one is full of all the extras.
See the Spec/Condition sheet in the pictures. This one is everything you love about vintage with everything luthiers have learned since.