- Unique ID: Mark Kane Dumble Custom
- Product Type: Amps
- Make: Mark Kane
- Model: Dumble Style
- Year: Custom Order
- Price: SOLD
- Color/Finish: Tolex & Suede Available
- Availability: SOLD

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Mark Kane amps are 100% Built-To-Order. They are hand soldered on eyelets or posts. The tolex, grille-cloth and woods are personalized. Mark offers a staggering variety of models (Dumble, Trainwreck, Marshall & Fender), voicings and materials.
Most Mark Kane amps are available as heads, combos or head/cab setups. Let Mark help you select the speakers that complement the voicing of the amp he is building you.
Mark Kane amps are custom voiced to the player who orders them. To assure we get things right, the build process is highly interactive between the you, Mark Kane and Prime Guitars.
To start the process, some buyers will send us You-Tube or audio clips of a tone they are dreaming of. Alternatively we have had great success just talking out your vision using reference songs, artists and products you have tried/loved.
Step two is for you and Mark to spend time communicating directly to exchange ideas and finalize the volume, voicing and aesthetics.
From there the process is a faithful 8-10 weeks until your amp ships. Worried about getting things right?….relax, Mark offers a free re-voicing of your amp in the unlikely event your tone needs some tweaking
Dumble Style: To my ears the classic Dumble tone has sustain, gain without fizz, chime, note bloom and touch sensitivity. The sustain and dynamics come from the amp naturally. Bad dumble-type amps sound as if a Boss pedal were wired in the circuit…they are not organic. Mark Kane amps are the one Dumble-style amp I’ve tried that NAILS what I heard in my 80s ODS.
Now there are MANY styles of Dumble out there…70s Silver Face all the way to late 80s varieties to the early 2000s. Mark has worked on and played dozens of the classic original Dumble amps…he doesn’t create yours from some schematic or formula. EACH component can alter the touch and tone dramatically and therefore Mark himself selects all the parts one-at-a-time during the painstaking voicing process; that voicing is specific to what YOU describe during the pre-build consultations directly with Mark. He has repeated this process hundreds of times with clients ranging from A-list pros to collectors. You can trust the process because it is time tested.
Work with Mark to find just which variety of Dumble will work for YOUR needs. Maybe it’s a Robben Ford style?…maybe it’s a later variety or MAYBE it’s something that starts with a Dumble style and adds a touch of something else (my fave has some Marshall flavors). The beauty of a Mark Kane custom amp is that his skillset extends beyond any one style and you can create an amp that draws from ANY or EVERY classic ever made.
Each Dumble Style amp is built to your desired aesthetics with choices ranging from a plethora of colored tolex to suedes. Need a matching cabinet with the RIGHT speakers?…no worries!…Mark can nail it for you. Lastly, each Dumble comes with an accompanying tube buffered effects loop (a.k.a. Dumbleator) which is an integral part of the D-tone.
Own a Dumble but you’re afraid to take it out of your home?….let’s have Mark clone it for